20 Severely Underrated PS4 Games You Must Play

12. Nidhogg

Some people simply won't want to play a game on their new, half-grand hardware that essentially looks as though it was programmed into a stack of ham - but to those I say thee nay; as did such an approach put you off things when you were younger? Instead, embrace the fact that one-on-one hyper-speed sword-fighting is a recipe conjured by the Multiplayer Gods themselves. Nidhogg is a ludicrously fun gore-happy little battler that's best experienced in short bursts.
It's all very primitive aesthetically, depth coming in the form of how best to utilise things like the dive-kick, floor execution and perfectly-timed jumps to better your opponent. All these go alongside a fencing system based on blade height; essentially a rock,paper, scissors-setup that means if you attack your opponent in one stance, it'll go through unless they block it directly. The objective then, is simple; kill your opponent to activate a goal at the end of a few screen's worth of land, and get there, as they try and do the same to you. It might sound a little complicated, but in execution it's endlessly frantic, ethereal and easily the best couch-based co-op multiplayer so far.
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