20 Severely Underrated PS4 Games You Must Play

13. Outlast/The Whistleblower

Both Until Dawn and Silent Hills-primer P.T. proved just how hungry we are for a ruddy good horror game; something that by extension would've made you think people would check out Outlast, a close-to-launch game with tension up the wazoo. Framed as a detective tale where you've received an anonymous calling from an asylum, when you get there it's naturally all bathed in twilight as silhouetted figures dart between windows on the upper floors. Atmosphere is Outlast's greatest asset in the beginning, playing on your fears by switching out any constant light source for a flashlight camera. It essentially relegates you to illuminating the area ahead for only a split-second, which when you're creeping down lowly-lit corridors, sets up some of the most effective and memorable dynamic jump-scares along with a handful that trigger when the game has you right where it wants you.
Enemy eyes will glow green in the eyes of the lens, and although the story does delve a bit too far into supernatural territory to maintain its initial allure, DLC pack The Whistleblower tells the tale of the initial call that brought you there in the first place. Together they're a supreme package, and one of the PS4's most underrated horrors, especially considering how much press Until Dawn has received.
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