20 Severely Underrated PS4 Games You Must Play

9. The Evil Within

Y'know how following Resident Evil 4, the series ended up doubling down on its worst potential aspects? Creator Shinji Mikami apparently noticed this too, as he departed Capcom to pursue a number of other projects, finally creating The Evil Within as his return to horror, birthing something of an RE 4 spiritual successor in the process. Spooky mist-caked village? Check. Over-shoulder gunplay with enough ammo-scarcity to ensure you're always fighting for your life? Check. The occasional chainsaw-wielding enemy backed up by old-school bosses that you'll take down through pattern-recognition? Check and double check. The only thing that lets down Evil Within is a completely barmy plot, one that's definitely found a cult following since release, but will divide newcomers thanks to an unrelenting focus on throwing as many severe left-turns your way as possible. All things considered, the story beats don't get in the way of the already tried n' true game design, and the act of playing it is a supremely effective nostalgia-meets-modern itch-scratcher you never knew you needed.
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