20 Severely Underrated PS4 Games You Must Play

19. Volume

Fie on Assassin's Creed for making the stealth genre a running joke, as hopefully alongside the return of Metal Gear Solid V and its unmatched scope, titles like Volume can continue to fly the flag in earnest. From the genius mind of Thomas Was Alone-creator Mike Bithell (the game that somehow managed to give a personality to collection of individual rectangles), Volume is a self-confessed Metal Gear Solid-tribute Bithell said he always wanted to make. It clearly cribs from the VR sections of the original MGS and the spin-off, Special Missions, but the polygonal top-down nature of each level plays perfectly into enemy guard placement, your path through the level and above-all, specific item usage. Make no mistake, this is stealth at its purest. There are no attacks or takedowns to be performed, instead it's all about misdirection and slinking past enemies when their backs are turned. Story-wise it's a V for Vendetta-style English dystopia, where your virtual reality exploits are framed as a freedom fighter showing the world how to bust into the wealthiest homes and structures around the land. The whole thing is voiced expertly (something that's becoming a trait for Bithell) by Danny Wallace and Andy Serkis in opposing roles, providing a solid backdrop to power you through to the next heist every time.
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