20 Severely Underrated PS4 Games You Must Play

14. Destiny: The Taken King

Hey, WAIT! No honestly, come back just - just sit for a bit and hear me out. I know it feels wrong, like intrinsically wrong to say, but... Destiny is finally a good game. It's... well it's everything it should've been last year and then some. It's finally everything Bungie can do better than everyone else, and it's FINALLY damn-near incredible. Still, there's just not enough of it and still, people will be far too soured by the 'slot content here'-style filing cabinet of a game that was 2014's release, but it feels as though following a solid year of feedback, Activision have let up on Bungie's content restrictions, allowing them to fix almost everything that was wrong from the original release. Gone is Peter Dinklage and his godawful line delivery, in is Uncharted's Nolan North, who - being a veteran voice actor - brings exactly the right candour and high-end register to finally establish Ghost as a fun and enjoyable character. In are a wealth of cutscenes too, there's actually a great story now complete with space-battles, race wars and power-playing demonic overlords. In too are more player classes, abilities, weapons, quest items and gigantic areas to explore. Gone is the limiting level cap-limiting 'Light system' and instead is a solid overarching model more industry-standard, rewarding you for killing enemies of all kinds, before ranking up your abilities accordingly. It's honestly every little thing you yelled at the screen last year for not having, and proves Bungie are far and away the true sci-fi first-person masters. Will people care en masse in 2015 though? That's something only time will tell.
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