18 Stupidly Tiny Things Only Gamers Will Appreciate

5. When A Game Doesn€™t Require DLC Or Constant Patching

This deserves its own point because, well, can you think of anything these days that doesn't come with either a "pre-order to get exclusive content!" prompt, a 'Season Pass' offering, Day One DLC or the promise of further content trickling down the pipeline? Exactly. Back in the day (of the late 90s and early 00s especially) when increasingly expansive and impressive three-dimensional games started coming together (Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid etc.) they all dropped fully formed, minor warts n' all. Developers made sure their games were perfected as much as possible before release, because they simply had no other choice - nothing could be siphoned off into DLC, and nothing could be fixed later down the line. Now you're extremely lucky if your game boots without then reminding you there's an update being applied, but for the rare times something releases in a completed form well, that's cause for celebration. Comment below if you can remember any large game since 2010 that released without DLC plans or multiple patches... there aren't many of them.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.