20 Things We Learned From Gamescom 2016

9. Battlefield 1 Continues To Make All Europeans Feel A Little Uneasy

There's something just that little bit 'off' about how much EA DICE are glorifying what was one of the most horrific wars in human history.

The 'cool' music, the quick camera cuts of blades piercing chests and cannon fire slaughtering horses as they're furiously whipped to evade subsequent shellings... I guarantee a lot is going to be said come launch as to whether or not World War I should even be considered for a game at all, let alone a mass online shooter.

Objectively, this is the first return to World War-themed FPS in years, with gameplay that's as polished and in-depth as you'd expect from one of the frontrunners of the genre. Your combat options include everything from piloting trains, planes and automobiles, to hopping in a blimp and unlocking a ton of weapons and abilities on-foot.

It all takes place on some of the biggest maps seen to date, but as for the content itself... well, this ain't no Valiant Hearts.

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Gaming Editor

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