20 Video Games Of This Generation You May Have Missed

2. Trackmania Turbo (2016)

Some Video Games

PC: 79% | PS4: 81% | XBO: 76%

Trackmania Turbo looks like a game that could've been developed by EA Sports Big, and that's a very good thing. The game has a focus on high speeds and stunts, and with 200 tracks available for selection and even more on offer through a track editing mode, there is plenty of fun to be had.

It needs to be said that there are quite a number of Trackmania games available to purchase and a bit of research should be put into the different versions to see what best suits your needs.

Turbo comes as something of an upgraded version to Trackmania 2, with more environments in one package as opposed to purchasing extras as you get along. If you want a complete package that hasn't changed drastically with time, then Turbo is the right purchase, but if you are more interested in titles that have add-ons and a community still involved then it is a much safer move to look into other releases in the series.


Hi, I'm Max! I love all things video games, movies and TV. If you like what you see catch me on Twitter at @mxkamlongera for a good time.