21 Confirmed Video Games We Can't Wait To See At E3 2015

16. Rock Band 4/Guitar Hero Live

There are two types of people in this world; those who reconciled the rhythm game boom of the late noughties to a point in time, never to be revisited - and those who never wanted the genre to be anything more than throwaway fun, hated the direction Rock Band took it in and secretly yearned for more somewhere down the line. Well, both franchises are making a comeback this year, albeit with mixed reactions and results so far. Rock Band's team, Harmonix, have downsized since a 102 button controller fronted part three, returning (it seems) to the instantly fun party game mentality that defined the original release. They've even thrown in a potentially fun RPG mechanic to the campaign, something that governs your setlists based on the different likes and stats of specific areas - a very cool approach that in some way replicates how tours are put together in real life. Guitar Hero's FreeStyleGames on the other hand are going full motion video in their attempt to differentiate, doing away with the character models seen in the past and electing to literally play footage they've captured from real performances whereby a camera was strapped to the respective band members' head. It's certainly something nobody was expecting them to do - but from the footage available does look a bit tacky. In the end fans need to see more gameplay innovations and full setlists - only then will we be able to judge whether a return to such dead genre is actually going to be worth it.
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E3 2015
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