21 Gaming Memories Only 90s Kids Will Have

4. Goldeneye Toilet Assassination

Killing people sneakily is incredibly pleasing to any and all gamers. This is evident when we look at how popular doing stealthy runs of Dishonoured was, despite the more up-front killing techniques being so incredible. One of the most satisfying and memorable stealthy kills in games happened in the 90s, and it happened in the Facility level of Goldeneye. In a toilet. After dropping down into a cubicle of your very own through a system of vents, you then saunter over to the next cubicle over and interrupt an unsuspecting guards wee break with a bullet to the face. It was great fun catching the enemies off-guard in this unique way, and when all hell broke loose there in the bogs, fun was always had.

3. Wrecking Palms In Mario Party

Those €˜parties€™ the jolly plumber used to put on were hostile money-grabbing competitions filled with deceit, deception and despair. They even unleashed a potent and dangerous epidemic among us:

Palm mashing.

For many of the mini-games in the Mario Party series, the player had to rotate the N64€™s already rather uncomfortable analogue stick as fast as they could, leaving physical scars on the palms of winners and losers alike. In those mini-games, there were no winners: Just heavy regret and plasters all round.

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A young man with a hairy face. Will often tell you that winter is coming before retreating to his mancave to play video games with a wooly jumper at the ready, just in case.