21 Video Games We'd Put On A Mini PS1
7. WipEout 2097
You know how the internet finally bullied Square Enix into making a Final Fantasy 7 remake? Well, if we shout loud enough, they might just do another WipEout.
Although not that much different to the previous game, WipEout 2097 is a more polished game experience than the original. Highly popular when first released, this game's excellent soundtrack and breakneck, unique racing mechanics made it an absolute thrill ride.
WipEout is one of those games that seems like it would just blend seamlessly into the modern era, yet somehow has remained completely absent. Imagine a WipEout with modern graphics, with that great soundtrack once again pounding in your ears as you boost past fellow racers in competitive online play.
Well, one can dream. In the meantime, it'd be lovely to see the best WipEout on the mini PS1 instead.