22 Biggest Disappointments Of E3 2015

7. The Hilariously Crappy PC Conference Set

The PC gaming conference felt like a distressingly low-key affair from start to finish, from the lack of interesting and noted guests to the small size of the hall where it was held and, most blatantly, that hilariously cheap-looking set. The objects underneath the depressingly small screen (which made it clear no significant reveals would be shown off) are supposed to be microchips and so on, right? Except they look like some production member's kid brother made them with cardboard and some markers about half an hour before the show started. It looked goofy and didn't exactly evoke the professional feel that all the other conferences did, no matter how terrible some of them were. The talk show-esque set-up with the table and chair wasn't so bad, but everything else? It could be better, especially if PC Gamer really wants this to be taken seriously.
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E3 2015
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.