25 Best Sega Games Of All Time - RANKED

10. House Of The Dead 2

Yakuza game

Come on, admit it, you've been to the arcade, seen a cabinet for House of the Dead 2, and got far too excited.

An absolute staple of arcades everywhere, House of the Dead 2 is instantly recognisable to almost anyone who likes games, and probably even if they don't. You remember that creepy-looking cabinet lingering in the corner of a dingy arcade/holiday park games room somewhere, those lovely red and blue lightguns nestled lightly in their holders, just begging you to pick them up and slay some zombies.

Lightgun games are awesome fun, and House of the Dead 2 may be the best of the lot. It's just so incredibly memorable from start-to-finish, and while there's been so many entries in the series, this one still sticks out as the best. Look, the voice acting is terrible and the story is hokey as hell, but if you've got a friend with you in a sweaty, far-too-hot arcade and enough pocket change from your parents to play through it, it's an absolute blast.

I once played through the entirety of this game after playing it with a friend while on holiday who was drunk as a skunk, and insisted on putting 50 pence pieces into it until we finished it. Good times.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.