25 Goriest Video Games Of All Time

12. Manhunt 2

Daniel Lamb, Manhunt 2
Rockstar Games

A video game like Manhunt is practically made just to upset people, and that is indeed what happened with the first game, which continues to be the gold standard of the type of games parents are afraid their kids are playing.

And yet, despite this controversy, Manhunt would go on to get a sequel, which, like all sequels should, expands on the first game's premise. In this case, it means more brutal and horrific deaths. Executions are more varied, the environment is used to greater effect, and you are encouraged to kill and mutilate people in the most brutal fashion possible.

In fact, Manhunt 2 is so violent and gory that it was heavily censored just so that it could be released, which in many ways makes the sequel tamer than its predecessor. Get your hands on an uncensored version, however, and you'll be able to experience some of the most disturbing deaths you'll ever see in a video game.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.