25 Greatest Video Game Box Art Of All Time

9. Another World (Amiga)

Box Art
Delphine Software

Arms flung apart, the protagonist stands embracing the entirety of his adventure - possibly, the most effective way of selling an experience. In that respect, Another World - Out of this World in North America - is the antithesis of modern examples, which tend to depict the protagonist as a brooding misery-guts, facing away from the camera, shooting a single solitary despondent glance back across his shoulder, usually with a gun in hand.

Instead, the illustrator here avoided that tendency - probably because it hadn't been invented yet - choosing instead to depict the protagonist as a willing participant in a tantalising adventure, accepting his role with complete elation. It's wonderful to see, especially considering how rare a sight it's become nowadays.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.