25 Most Criminally Underrated PS2 Games Of All Time

11. The Suffering

The Suffering

Another from Midway, proving they truly were one of the best studios to fly the flag for new ideas. A horror-themed third-person shooter with a hell of a lot of art design, The Suffering cast you as Torque, an inmate on Death Row who's suddenly freed thanks to an onslaught of demons slaughtering everyone else around him.

He promptly discovers he can transform into a hulking beast himself, and a story unravels, pointing to the idea that he might not be as guilty as first thought. This was one of the first games to introduce 'moral choices', giving you a plethora of chances to do the right or wrong thing, and seeing the repercussions play out in the form of multiple endings, the family photo Torque carried around being evermore muddied as a result.

Each demon represented a thematic element of prison life (lethal injection became syringe-backed creatures trying to stab your eyes out) and gunplay was thoroughly satisfying. The Suffering 2 just didn't carry on the appeal of the original in the right way, leaving this as a bonafide cult classic to this day.

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