25 Most Criminally Underrated PS2 Games Of All Time

9. Oni

oni game

Here's a crazy realisation: the high-kicking martial arts n' gunplay action title that is Oni was made by Bungie and Rockstar. Yes, that Bungie and Rockstar.

In a weird collaboration and a total genre-bend for the first-person shooter team, Oni was like a kitchen sink-approach to third-person adventures. Laser weapons and grenades? Check. A sexy heroine with a penchant for ground-slides and mid-air spins? Check. A manga aesthetic that means every goon you send flying and every boss you encounter is just as ridiculous as all that sounds? Triple check.

Oni might have aged a bit thanks to it being one of the first shooters to map the camera to the right stick (yes, that wasn't always a thing), but as an escapist fever dream of all things nerdy and badass, it's exemplary.

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