25 Most Criminally Underrated PS2 Games Of All Time

8. Dark Chronicle

dark chronicle cloud 2

When this came out, critics lost their damn minds - yet the general populace didn't seem to care. Apparently burned by the limited gameplay of PS2 launch-title Dark Cloud (as this was named Dark Cloud 2 in the US) Dark Chronicle was one of the first big-budget RPGs to transition into real-time combat.

It had mech and settlement building, crafting, dungeon-crawling, loveable characters, the developer Level-5 (of Dragon Quest fame)'s signature sauce and a campaign that went on for days - all primary ingredients in a damn fine RPG.

Whether it was down to the combat mechanics being ahead of their time or the sheer vastness of everything you COULD do (meaning nobody did any of it) Dark Chronicle is still one of the best RPGs money can buy, from a studio that are still yet to get some much deserved recognition in the West.

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