25 Most Criminally Underrated PS2 Games Of All Time

7. Way Of The Samurai 2

way of the samurai 2

Sometimes you'll stumble upon a franchise out of nowhere - maybe off the back of impulse-buying a nice piece of box art or a striking trailer just does something for you - and it'll remain one that only a handful of other people across the globe can identify with.

Way of the Samurai 2 (and its sequels) is such a game and series. A fantastic action-RPG that literally just drops you in the middle of Amahara as a ronin looking for work, you're then free to align with whoever you want. Do you fight for the people against any bullies or political figures, try to craft better weapons and seek out dojo masters? Perhaps see who these power figures are and work for them?

It's designed for multiple playthroughs if only to see all possible endings play out, but with combat that's slick and decidedly powerful (unsheathing your sword always means someone's going to be on the end of it in seconds), Way of the Samurai 2 is every bit the open-world Yakuza game you were told about in the early 2000s, yet never got.

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