25 Most Criminally Underrated PS2 Games Of All Time

6. Beyond Good & Evil

Beoynd Good and Evil

Talk about your overlooked gems. Beyond Good And Evil is Michel Ansel's 'little game' he created in between finishing with Rayman and starting Assassin's Creed. Yes, that Michel Ansel.

Sadly it just came at the wrong time. The industry was transitioning into more mature efforts thanks to the rise of GTA, Jak II: Renegade and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, meaning a 'cutesy platformer' (of which this appeared to be, despite far more learned dialogue within) just couldn't find its footing.

These days, thanks to the return of Ratchet & Clank and Yooka-Laylee's Kickstarter being backed within minutes, people are chomping at the bit for the third-person platformer to return, yet one of the finest you can ever play has been under your nose this entire time.

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