25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

17. The Saiga Hospital Escape - Siren: Blood Curse

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsVrr_3A99s While it may not possess the big-name power of Resident Evil or Silent Hill, the Siren series is still definitely worth a go for horror connoisseurs who fancy their scares with a J-Horror edge. A large part of the series' appeal comes from the innovative "sightjacking" feature, a power that grants you the ability to see through the eyes of the other characters/enemies, which, when combined with the stealth focus made for a truly nerve-wracking experience unlike any other. Nothing was as horrifiying as stealthing your way down a dark corridor then realizing one of the Shibito was creeping up on you when you popped into his headspace and recognized the back of your character's head. And although you often had the option of bashing heads with a selection of melee weapons, there were spots where combat simply wasn't a feasible option; case in point: Saiga Hospital - a chapter which saw you taking control of Bella, a young girl. As you can imagine, playing as a small child isn't exactly conducive to rough-and-tumble face-smashing so maneuvering through the hospital's pitch-black corridors unnoticed was an exercise in testicular fortitude.
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