25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

16. The Asylum Blackout - Indigo Prophecy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYSYw1m9-w8 Indigo Prophecy might have gone off the rails and exploded in a mushroom cloud of non-nonsensical plotting and kung fu-style theatrics, but for the first two acts or so it was an engrossing mystery with supernatural overtones. Set in New York during a brutal winter, the plot concerns Lucas Kane's attempts to uncover the mystery behind his possession and subsequent murder of a man, while a parallel thread depicts the investigation from the POV of a duo of NYPD detectives; Tyler Miles and Carla Valenti. As Tyler and Carla get closer and closer to the truth, the suspense is cranked to 11, and it's the latter's investigation into a patient in the local asylum which offers quite possibly the game's creepiest scene as a blackout throws the entire building into darkness. As the inmates stalk the corridors, you're forced to sneak back to the guard's quarters between alternating bouts of panic-induced paralysis. If you weren't afraid of the dark before, you will be after this.
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Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.