25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

14. Staring Down The Librarians - Metro 2033

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3rHedw3Hcs Metro 2033 is a bit wonky in a few key areas that could have used some fleshing out, but if you can look past a few of the game's imbalances, this one is entirely worth your time. The claustrophobic backdrop of the underground metro system makes for an atmospheric experience as you delve through tunnels teeming with the mutated monstrosities that make up Metro's landscape. But none are as grotesque as the gorilla-like creatures you encounter while combing through the Moscow State Library. You're warned beforehand by one of your companions on how best to approach the Librarians, should you find yourself face-to-face with them - but it isn't until you're actually forced to stare one of these massive beasts down that you realise how vital this advice actually is. As you stare into their eyes, the temptation to turn tail and run grows stronger with every second, but it's ultimately your courage that will keep the vicious creature from tearing you limb from limb.
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