25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

13. The Bear Attack - Condemned 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MwRCBDUy7c This sequel carries over everything that made the first Condemned so memorable - with a deeper combat system and a greater emphasis on the CSI-esque investigation aspect. One minute you could be circling a mangled corpse while sorting through clues, the next - smashing a dude's head in with a 2x4. It was a mostly seamless transition that made for a varied experience. That's not to say the game couldn't have benefited from a bit more polish though - as the third act of the story flew off the rails in such a spectacularly bat-poop fashion that it left many wondering what the hell it was they'd just witnessed. Still, Condemned 2 was positively loaded with enough disturbing imagery to haunt your dreams for nights, and while the mannequins return for yet another pants-soiling moment, it's a sequence in the lodge that takes the cake for scariest scene here. As you explore the lodge, you come across several mutilated corpses and catch your first glimpse of a rabid bear as it tears through a survivor. After wandering through a few more rooms, the bear charges through a barricade, initiating an intense chase sequence as you sprint through darkened halls and squeeze through narrow passageways, all the while dodging the beast's snapping jaws by mere inches.
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