25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

9. Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Silent Hill 3

The third installment in the Silent Hill franchise may not have reached the heights of it's predecessor, but it still stands as one of the all-time greats to this day and features quite possibly the series' greatest protagonist in the form of Heather Mason, daughter of the original Silent Hill's Harry Mason. The game's chock full of disturbing imagery and gross-out moments, and while this list could have easily been comprised of several of these, none of them managed to quite so thoroughly shock gamers into paralysis as effectively as the "mirror scene". After entering a store room containing a floor-to-ceiling mirror, Heather is slowly spattered by what appears to be blood. But here's the kicker: at first, it's only her reflection that shows this. And as the substance begins to coat the entire room, you might be tempted to make a dash for the door only to realise it won't open. If that isn't enough, Heather's reflection stops corresponding to any of your movements as you're slowly overtaken by the viscous fluid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XQUWEKCbpE
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