25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

8. Snapping The Falling Woman - Fatal Frame 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOvBMLJZCo8 The appeal of the Fatal Frame series lies in it's innovative combat system, which employs the use of the "Camera Obscura" to battle the various ghosts which haunt the villages and mansions. And while it may be a bit tough to explain to someone unfamiliar with the series how a game that arms you with a camera could possibly frighten anybody with such a silly concept (believe me, I've tried), it's a whole different story once they've actually played it. Every Fatal Frame has it's strengths and everybody's got their favourites, but most would agree that the second instalment is still the one to beat. Singling out the scariest ghost is no easy task either, as there's enough to comprise a separate list altogether, but by far the most disturbing in terms of the implications surrounding her circumstances is the falling woman - a ghost who apparently committed suicide in life and is forced to relive the moment in an endless loop. And if the initial act of watching her barrel towards to ground wasn't enough, she begins to scamper across the floor with her entire body contorted at a horrifically grotesque angle as you try to avoid her swipes. It's the stuff of nightmares.
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