25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

23. Why Won't You Die? - Dead Space

You guys remember the Hunter, right? Big ugly thing with claws for arms and a nasty tendency to grow back limbs after they've been severed? Yeah, you remember. This guy just wouldn't quit, and if cryostasis couldn't put him down for the count, nothing could (probably). Well, as he snarls, roars and lunges at you with a speed belying his rotund appearance, it certainly seems like anything short of a nuclear detonation is incapable of making even the slightest dent, so it's understandable if you begin to feel an overwhelming sense of futility about it all. While the Dead Space series focused more on gunplay to the detriment of anything even closely approximating to horror with each subsequent entry, the Hunter chase serves as a reminder that the original was still capable of moments of genuine horror when it really tried. The "stalker" scenario has been a particular favorite of designers dating all the way back to the original Clock Tower, and Dead Space offered a new spin on an old formula. You can't always beat the classics, but a Nemesis-esque monster is a sure-fire way to jack up the heart rate.
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