25 Scariest Gaming Moments Of The 2000s

22. Creeping Through Killer Croc's Lair - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Speaking of feral creatures with a penchant for flossing with human flesh, one of the many highlights of Arkham Asylum was the sewer segment which saw Killer Croc doing his best to make good on his promise of sniffing Batman out and tearing him limb from limb. The Dark Knight's always been a unique entity in the sense that the character is so incredibly malleable, creators have spun tales across a multitude of genres and settings - everything from straight-up legal/crime dramas to horror-tinged monster stories. Here, Rocksteady taps into the comics' horror trappings to channel survival horror at it's most potent - with the Dark Knight isolated and forced to outmanoeuvre the vicious Croc. It made for a truly unnerving experience as you skulked through the cavernous underground in the hopes that you wouldn't draw out the monstrous beast, and the fact that he popped up when you least expected was enough to keep you on edge all night long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=httuh4e_jE8
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