3 Reasons Why You Should Wait To Get A Next-Gen Console

2. We Can't Trust Sony/Microsoft

Sony-logo-wallpaper Now let's get to the most controversial part of the article. Let's start with the obvious offenders, Microsoft. Now, I am well aware of the current situation. Almost everyone hates Microsoft and everyone who doesn't is a, "weak-minded simpleton who loves having their rights taken away". Now here is my opinion,backed up with facts, mind you. Microsoft went a route that was greatly disliked, but also realistic. In fact, their route was already use by their competitor, Apple. You know, pro-digital, expensive, and money grabbing in ever sense. Have you seen the process just to get a ringtone without iTunes?There really isn't one by the way. The point is, Microsoft approach was a look into the near-future. The FACT is, none of it truly affected that many people in the U.S.. Now why was it region-locked? I have no idea because I thought one would want to broaden their audience, not shrink it. I could go on about MS pros and cons-let's be honest, it's mostly cons-but their is one fact that makes them unworthy of our trust. They CHANGED their policies. If I truly thought I held the future to...ANYTHING, I would stand by it no matter what. But they didn't, so moving on to Sony. Sony is the company who protect gamers' rights and do it proudly. Most people think this but I think otherwise because not so long ago, this same company priced their product at $600. Some may think the past is the past but history can repeat itself. Now here is why you can't trust them. Information was brought to light that Sony planned to make their Eye come with every PS4. Sounds familiar? Now, we all know that Microsoft and Sony are the big two in gaming. I believe Nintendo is somewhere else in the industry, not at the top or the bottom Just...elsewhere. With that being said, it doesn't hurt to know your enemy. So, Sony most likely saw Microsoft's plans and wanted to the the price advantage this time around. But they needed more than just initial price. So used games, no daily check in, games, games, GAMES!!! And, uh, you pay for online now. Now it's not the paying for online that makes them untrustworthy; it's the principle. People hate MS so much now, that Sony can implement what they see fit without no protest and this will lead to is PS4 resembling the original XB1. But what if they both change after launch? Didn't think about that did you? So the morale of the story is nothing is true, everything is permitted.
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Even though my opinion may come off as fact just remember:Nothing is true and everyrhing is permitted.