30 Classic SNES Games You Must Play Before You Die

21. Street Fighter II Turbo

Snes Games

Capcom's love for reworking and re-releasing Street Fighter games is pretty infamous nowadays but it was still common in the 90s - Turbo is the third version of Street Fighter II released on the SNES.

The Turbo suffix was well placed though - this version sped up Street Fighter II substantially, almost turning it into a completely new experience. The faster play made special moves more challenging to pull off, offering a new challenge for those who had already mastered the game.

Speeding up the gameplay also increased the excitement, making Street Fighter II Turbo one of the best competitive games on the SNES; it's much better than getting into real fights with friends, anyway.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.