30 Greatest Video Games Of All Time

22. God Of War

The game that made quick-time events extremely cool for a time - before running them into the ground until they were a fine paste. Still, Kratos' stomping spleen-ripping romp through Greek mythology started way back in 2005, and we all knew as soon as that initial cliff-plummet opening had got out the way and we were tapping circle to rip enemies in half with our bare hands, that the GoW series was really something special. Of course you can point to the Devil May Cry series as the ones who started this whole hyper-fast third-person action-adventure stuff, but where DMC had style and red-trenchcoat quirk, God of War had an extremely angry bald man pulling apart mythical creatures from eyeball to crotch-line, whilst muttering brilliantly quotable mythological dialogue along the way. There's a good reason the original God of War was juiced up alongside its sequels for the HD Collection, and if you're after a title to test out a particularly large TV or set of speakers whilst looking like a roided-up version of that scene from Return of the King where Legolas downs an Oliphant, this is your game.
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