4 Things We Want From Dead Space 3

2. A Conclusion To Isaac's Story

Poor Isaac, he's been through a lot over the past few games. All he wanted to do was be a space engineer. On venturing out into the cold void of space, all he found was unimaginable terror. We've been with Isaac from the beginning, first as the stoic engineer who was tired of those motherf#*@ing necromorphs on his motherf#@*ing ship, to the unravelling mess of a man in Dead Space 2. Now with Isaac on course to have yet another confrontation with the space-faring zombie menace he's really getting to the end of his tether. As a character he can't take much more of this. Whether he retires to a nice padded cell or sacrifices himself to save the galaxy, Isaac needs to be allowed to rest.


Corey's been in love with games ever since he first met a bandicoot many moons ago. Since then he's discovered he'll play pretty much anything, except karaoke games. He spends his time writing, listening to classic rock and drinking perhaps a little too much Guinness. You can follow his Irish internet ramblings on his Twitter @Corey_Milne