45 Reasons Why THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Could Be The Greatest Series Of All Time

21. Love for the Lefties

One of the few heroes rocking the left hand, Link has been hacking and slashing his way through baddies for the last twenty five years with the southpaw. Big deal right? Well sadly it is, as the left handed gamers out there seem to get the short end of the stick. Games such as Guitar Hero have never had a left handed version of their controllers and has resulted in some gamers busting out the pliers and selling their creations online! Of course... all good things come to an end, and in Skyward Sword, Link will be depicted as right handed with no left handed option. The first game which solely depicts him as a righty, was Twilight Princess. Which has a right handed Link for the Wii but left handed for the Game Cube. It sounds pretty unfair but it must be tough being left handed, being more intelligent, being more likely to earn more and being more creative. Let's just call it even.

22. Beware of the Wildlife

Monsters and dungeons can be a dangerous place, even more dangerous are the roaming wildlife. The small feathered beings that invade the towns of Hyrule, the infamous beings known as Cucoo. Ok, it's a chicken, but attack one of them a few times and all hell breaks loose. Thousands of Cucoo's flood the area attacking Link until he flees the area or picks the attacked Cucoo up, apparently as some kind of apology. Just desserts for animal cruelty.

23. The Man who Lived in the Loo

Possibly the most bizarre character from The Zelda series, the man simply known as ??? Called ??? because the only part of the character we can see is an arm poking out of a toilet begging for paper... In Majora's Mask he's in there for three days, he's gonna need a lot more than a sheet of paper.

24. Zelda Raps?

Yet again, music seems to keep making a recurring appearance on this list and Zelda raps seemed to deserve their own wee number. We've no idea what brought about this phenomenon, but we like it! First of the rap's is Smosh's Zelda parody, released yesterday in celebration of the new game. A hilarious, slightly mature take on how Ganon kidnaps Zelda so easily. http://youtu.be/mO1QBTG6EXs The next is a little more... mature. By Hiimrawn and his crew who do a number of video game rap covers under the title, Gets Played. http://youtu.be/3riL2vbf0P4 The music is great in it's own right, but it's really the videos that make these amazing. For other remixes just do a quick google because there is literally hundreds.

25. Never Afraid to Try New Things

Some believe the series is becoming tiresome, granted the story is usually the same, hero must rescue princess from evil doer. And it has been knocking out this story for the last 25 years, but it's always came in different forms and it is always fresh. The first game, The Legend of Zelda, was the game that created what future Zelda's would be like, that bird's eye view that returned for future games. Some of you new to the series may not know that Zelda II was actually a side-scrolling platformer, the idea didn't work as well as the first game and Nintendo returned to it's root. It didn't work but they tried something new. The 4th game, Link's Awakening used a new formula for the story. No Ganon (The final boss looks a wee bit like him though), No Zelda but instead a bunch of nightmare creatures trying to control the Wind Fish's world created by it's dream and stop Link from awakening him or the land will be destroyed. It later turns into some kind of Inception dream within a dream thing. The Ocarina of Time brought Link to the world of 3D on one epic adventure, the next game Majora's Mask used new mechanics with the mask collections. Which is a really nice featured expanded on from Ocarina and also allows you to play as a Deku, Zora and Gora. Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages were the next games released on the Game Boy Colour, released together but both different games in their own right. The completion of both games allowed you to access the final battle with Ganon as the bigger picture becomes clear. Four Swords brought about a new multiplayer game, allowing players to link up with up to three others to defeat new villain Vaati. Wind Waker brought up a new look for the series as well as some new gameplay coming from The King of Red Lions boat. The Minish Cap sees the return of Vaati and Twilight Princess goes back to the traditional storyline but with the new Wolf Link. Phantom Hourglass enhanced the story of the great flood from Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks brought new boss Malladus and a train! Of course there is too much to include here, and it could well be fitted in an article of it's own, but I digress... on to 26!

Dom McKenzie, feature and news writer at What Culture!