45 Reasons Why THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Could Be The Greatest Series Of All Time

26. Bowser Pendants

The Mario universe continually makes several appearances, we've already touched on Talon being a tacky Mario lookalike, but the whole Lon Lon Ranch family adorn Bowser pendants! Bowser busting out into the Zelda universe? Link and Mario team-up to save Zelda and Peach? Luigi and Navi annoyingly poke at you every moment they get? Hey, Mario, Listen! Sounds like an epic sequel to me, you can have that one Nintendo.

27. Chain Chomp

A bit obscure but, Chain Chomp cameos in Link's Awakening. Tied to a post near Link's home and belonging to Madam MeowMeow, owner of three Chain Chomps, one is captured and is featured in the games main quest.

28. An Item Set That Doesn't Get Old

Ok, admittedly every Zelda game has pretty much the same item in each installment. Mirror Shield, Master Sword, Grapple Hook, Bottles. It may sound a little tedious but, incredibly it's not! Each time you obtain these items it seems fresh and somehow iconic, that these are the same tools used by the hero of time! That's not to say that these are the only things you'll be stuck with, each game does bring it's own new batch of goodies. The first game included mystical objects like the world renowned step ladder! Ocarina had the Bombchus! Spirit Tracks introduced the whip, and Skward Sword even has a mechanical beetle.

29. Thief!

World travels fast, and if you found yourself stealing from one of the stores in Link's Awakening, then you would be branded as a thief! That's right, the shop keeper will call you a thief, but it doesn't stop there. The townsfolk will keep up this nickname, even the mythical Wind Fish will use it when you finally awaken him from his slumber. Lesson well learnt.

30. Sale Donavitch

Appearing in Link's Awakening, Sale was a young blue alligator that ran Sale's House O'Bananas. Did he sell them? Don't be silly, he'd trade them to fuel his unhealthy obsession for dog food. You can't help to think though, just order dog food instead of 40 crates of bananas. Needless to say, he didn't make another appearance.

Dom McKenzie, feature and news writer at What Culture!