45 Reasons Why THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Could Be The Greatest Series Of All Time

31. Fishmen

A breed of fish that live in the waters of the Wind Waker world, and in exchange for a small meal, one of these mystical talking fish (who are also great cartographers) would chart your map. Then provide helpful hints on the surrounding area... obviously. Amazingly, not only were they great artists but avid masochists! And would award Link rupees for shooting them with his bow.

32. Cameos

Other developers have tipped there hat to Zelda over the years, some claiming that it's what inspired them into doing what they do now. We've included some of these hidden easter eggs below. Fable 3: There is a tombstone marked, "It's dangerous to go alone, take this." Which is a quote from the first Zelda game. If you dig by the grave you'll retrieve a toy sword. The same quote is also found in Epic Mickey.Animal Crossing: If you catch a Loach whilst fishing, your character will say, "I wonder if it's Hylian?" Dragon Fable: The online web-browser game features a quest in which the player must retrieve four pieces of the quadforce, defeat boss Gananana and then receives the staff of eye-rule after it's completion.

33. Link's Always at the Ready to Save the Day

Alright, so this reasons only really here to show off the picture below. But it's here for another point too, internet memes. There is an astonishing amount of internet memes out there, some mostly to do with, 'well excuuuuse me, princess.' So it looks like we haven't heard the last of the catchphrase just yet.

34. Inventive Boss Battles

One of the major moments in each game are the boss battles. After each dungeon has been searched and ridden of evil there's always one left to deal with. A nice touch about each of the boss battles and the dungeons though, is that each boss will usually have to be defeated by using the item you just acquired in that boss' dungeon. With each item comes a new mechanic to get to grips with, and this final battle really shows off the items capabilities and the puzzles that the series is renowned for.

35. Puzzles Galore

As we just stated, the boss battles are always a major puzzle element in the Zelda series. Of course it's not the only one, dungeons are riddled with head-scratchers. Be it something simple as pushing blocks, or having to figure out new uses for the items you've obtained along your journey. The game also has a nice learning curve to it, it is somewhat open world that follows a linear path. You'll have a lot open to you but you might not be able to reach certain places or dungeons until you have the item that grants you the power to solve the puzzle blocking your way.

Dom McKenzie, feature and news writer at What Culture!