5 Anticipated 2021 Video Games That Have Already Been Delayed

2. Hogwarts Legacy

lord of the rings gollum
Warner Bros

After Hogwarts Legacy's triumphant reveal at Sony's PS5 showcase last year, there's been suprisingly little new info. about what is arguably the biggest licensed game on the horizon.

The game's official twitter account hardly gave the most insightful reason for Legacy being pushed back into 2022, ("we are giving the game the time it needs"), leading to fans speculating what could be going on behind the scenes.

Logically, it's likely the case that this is the biggest project developers Avalanche Software have ever handled, and their resumé doesn't exactly spark confidence. Avalanche has a history of creating mediocre licensed games (Chicken Little: Back in Action, anyone?), so it's likely that publishers WB Games realized Avalanche would need all the help they could get to do the Harry Potter universe justice.

Another popular theory for Legacy's delay is that Warner Bros. want the furore surrounding J.K. Rowling's controversial tweets around transgender people to die down. However, given that the game's lead designer is an advocate for the highly misogynistic GamerGate movement, it seems that avoiding controversy isn't too high on the publisher's list of priorities.

(As a final aside, Avalanche Software should not be confused with Avalanche Studios, the developers behind 2015's Mad Max. Shame - harpooning other wizards off the back of a hippogriff would have been great fun).


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.