5 Biggest Heartbreakers In Dragon Age: Inquisition

2. Vivienne

dragon age inquisition

First Enchanter Vivienne is an Orlesian mage you can meet fairly early on in the game. Given the fond nickname of Madame de Fer by her fellows, the Lady of Iron, she is a beacon of respect and fear throughout Orlais.

Not to mention, she has a killer dress sense.

Vivienne is one of the only ones on this list who has a genuine flirt option in the conversation wheel, and while you can have some top banter with this lovey lady, a long term relationship is not on the cards.

If you are someone who enjoys the chase rather than the end result, a flirtatious, banter-based relationship with Vivienne can be quite rewarding. However, if pushed to make things official, she will let you down, nicely, but down nonetheless.

Vivienne is the lady in the bar you daren't talk to because she is so out of your league. And don't worry, she will happily tell you so. Nothing to stop you from dreaming though.


Hi, I'm Abi. I love writing for fun, gaming, painting and I'm tatt'd, pierced and a wannabe witch. Writing is the passion, hobby, life and one day, I hope, job. I love all things dark, I don't scare easy and the more twisted, the better. :) I don't bite. Much, anyways.