5 Definitive Musical Tracks From Each Final Fantasy Game

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Fft Throughout the twenty-six year history of the series, a whole host of sequels, spinoffs and such have been released to capitalise on the Final Fantasy name (particularly after Square's merger with Enix). Many of these are blatant cash cows (such as the endless supply of mobile games currently being released), though most releases on major consoles have been enjoyable fare (and Final Fantasy Tactics is up there with the best games ever made) To round off this article, let us look at twelve exemplary tracks from such games. Final Fantasy TacticsShock! €“ With a brutal yet brilliant story, Final Fantasy Tactics features its fair share of excellent compositions, amongst them this, which is the perfect accompaniment to some of the shocking scenes of betrayal and deception that litter the game's narrative, where a handful of individuals and factions will do anything to achieve power and domination. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJ7ia7GsIM Trisection €“ The game features a vast amount of battle themes, presumably to keep things fresh given how long and drawn out a strategic encounter can be. This is perhaps the best, starting with a bang and continuing to convey a sense of urgency throughout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdgNzhr_tPE The Compilation Of Final Fantasy VIIThe Burdened (Crisis Core) €“ Playing in the church where Zack meets Aeris for the first time, this violin piece is the perfect accompaniment to their relationship, which the player knows to be ill-fated from the start. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O82Hc_dMehA The Mako-Controlling Organisation (Crisis Core) €“ The original Shinra Theme from Final Fantasy VII is an excellent work in its own right, but this version, part remaster and part remix, makes them come across as even more evil than before. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwdfLTPE-2I J-E-N-O-V-A (Advent Children) €“ A remix of the theme of the same name from Final Fantasy VII, this hits hard and fast (much like an Omnislash) and wouldn't sound too out of place in a rock club. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3srOiO4XeDs Final Fantasy X-2Memories Of Lightwaves €“ Playing on the game's menu, this track is one of the few truly great things featured in Final Fantasy X-2, particularly around the fifty second mark. Calm and peaceful, much like the world of Spira at the beginning of the game, it ranks amongst the series' finest musical creations, despite not being composed by Uematsu. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9ee_Ez6tFk Zanarkand Ruins €“ The ruins of the city of Zanarkand are a surreal place to visit in Final Fantasy X, given that they have been deserted for a thousand years. In Final Fantasy X-2, the place is full of tourists and the like, making it less impactful visually, though this track enhances the auditory experience to make up for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00CDYYBMKJA 1000 Words €“ The track of the same name that features in the game doesn't deserve to be anywhere near this article, but this instrumental version, featured on some versions of the soundtrack, shows that without the cheesy vocals, this track is a great composition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa6fFeC9g3Q Final Fantasy XIII-2Crazy Chocobo €“ Love it or hate it, you have to admit that a frantic heavy metal remix of the chocobo theme (complete with screaming vocals) is something different, and is all the more memorable for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEUOOgNzOv4 Final Fantasy Type-0Apostles Of The Crystal - Given that it hasn't been translated into English yet, I have yet to play Final Fantasy Type-0, though the presence of excellent tracks such as this make its inevitable future release a tantalising prospect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnkwAw_nSrw Machina Kunagiri (Arranged) €“ Several characters in Final Fantasy Type-0 appear to have two themes, one of which is 'arranged'. Machina would appear to be one such character, whose time on screen will be highly memorable if it is scored by this track. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNVSchLlxBM Final Fantasy Mystic QuestBattle 1 €“ A truly obscure game, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was a highly simplistic 1992 RPG. This piece, which sounds typical of the eighties and early nineties in general, makes some of the low-tech game's battle sequences truly epic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6yEhFPaBMo

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.