5 Definitive Musical Tracks From Each Final Fantasy Game

Final Fantasy VIII

Ff8 After the whirlwind success of Final Fantasy VII, many were disappointed with Final Fantasy VIII, though many praised its complex battle system and political storyline in equal measure. Much (somewhat unfair) criticism was aimed at the game's heartless protagonist Squall, who undergoes a huge character transformation over the space of four discs, which see him and his allies seek to thwart a plot by a villainous sorceress to compress all of time and space. The game has perhaps the best overall soundtrack in the series, once again making the choice of just five tracks a very difficult one. The Oath €“ Playing over the scene in which Squall becomes the leader that he was born to be, this exemplary piece is very fitting for the situation, and conveys not only hope (despite the hopelessness of the situation), but the love and respect that Squall has developed for his friends (and vice versa). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr4eB0WOwN0 Rivals €“ One of the strongest elements of the game is the rivalry between Squall and Seifer, the tragic undertones of which are summed up perfectly by this melancholic piece, which serves as the backdrop to a torture scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul-TY3_tLQU The Extreme €“ One of the game's final boss themes, this piece goes through several 'phases', each different but complementary to the last. The changes in style and tempo serve to make the encounter an exhilarating affair. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVkcmx2l3WA The Landing €“ Created after the original composition for its scene was deemed too similar to one of Hans Zimmer's pieces from The Rock, this track builds up tension for a considerable period before exploding into gear in excellent fashion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v6BtJaBQmo The Man With The Machine Gun €“ Like the character for whom it was created, Laguna, this piece is, for lack of a better word, cool, and is certainly one of the most enjoyable regular battle themes heard in the series. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jho-peCAKs

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.