5 Definitive Musical Tracks From Each Final Fantasy Game

Final Fantasy VII

Ff7 The game that introduced a significant number of players to the series is considered the franchise's finest entry by many, who have a strong argument. Released on the Playstation in 3D (a series first), it focuses on an enigmatic mercenary named Cloud who becomes caught up in a plot encompassing the amoral Shinra Company, a group of eco-terrorists who oppose them and a mysterious figure from his past named Sephiroth, who wishes to destroy the world and become a godlike figure in the process. Given the technology offered by the Playstation at the time, the game featured a huge volume of high quality compositions, making the selection of just five an unenviable task. Aeris' Theme €“ Perhaps the most heartfelt and emotional scene featured in any game from the franchise is scored by this, a piece that is enough to bring tears to the eye and serve as a fitting send-off for a character as pure in heart as Aeris. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIqKWLkm2-g One Winged Angel €“ The theme given to the demonic Sephiroth, this is made highly eerie (and effective) by the frequent gospel-like chanting. It makes the game's final battle a somewhat chilling one, but given Sephiroth's malevolence, you'd expect nothing less. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDD-iYkHBhc J-E-N-O-V-A €“ Fast and furious, much like the elements of Jenova that the player's party faces in combat throughout the game, this piece greatly stands out in style from its counterparts on the soundtrack, suiting the otherworldly nature of Jenova's origins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6GrZYE2il0 Judgement Day €“ The game's final dungeon theme, this addictive piece, much like The Dark Crystals before it, makes the random-encounter riddled journey that dominates the games last few hours much more enjoyable than it has any right to be. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGHDXDI-DNc Cid's Theme €“ Allocated to Cid, a character torn apart by his unrealised dream of becoming the first man in space, this motivational (if somewhat downhearted) track hints at the fact that his time will come, which indeed it does. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJzfOA9uV6E

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.