5 Epic Mods That Improved Already Awesome PC Games

3. Third Age: Total War


Game Required For Mod: Medieval II : Total War - Kingdoms This epic mod for this landmark title is by Darthmod and it is really something special. This incredible Third Age mod strips Medieval: Total War 2 to its core and replaces it with a strategy game pulled from Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings film trilogy. The overhaul is total, and you feel the battles of Tolkien brought to virtual life in every possible way. This mod allows for the massive army sizes and melee combat of Total War 2 to be replaced with Third Age combatants. Think of what you can do with this!! The Orcs, the men of Gondor and so on, all look wonderful. The vast armies of Middle Earth are for the first time are at your command in a satisfying and truly epic sense. You call the tactics and see it all unfold before you. It is everything that you wanted a few years ago and everything that EA's official titles failed to deliver. You can get it here.

Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.