5 Ideas To Create The Best Deadpool Game Possible

4. Marvel Guest Spots

Over the years Deadpool has encountered a wide range of Marvel superheroes, and it'd be a shame to not see this make its way into the game somehow. I'm not saying that High Moon should simply throw in characters to throw them in, but there is a wide range of hilarity that could find its way into the game by having Deadpool cross paths with old rivals. It's still unknown exactly what the story will encompass, but surely we will be seeing some familiar faces. It would seem to be a safe bet that the game could potentially find us crossing swords, or claws, with familiar Weapon X members. Personally, I'd love to see Omega Red make a tentacle crawling appearance. "Mother Russia greets you comrade." Depending on what direction the team decides to take with the story it will be very interesting to see who is included in the final game. High Moon would be setting themselves up to do a great justice by letting Mr. Wilson mouth off to our favorite Marvel characters.

5. Easter Eggs Galore

I could be alone on this one, but Deadpool is a ridiculous character and it would be great to see some Easter Eggs that suit his demeanor. I imagine the team could include a wide range of different costumes, weaponry, and more for gamers to uncover. Deadpool could easily uncover some of his more interesting disguises and provide a change of costume scenery for those that plan on multiple playthroughs. Unlockable cheats, collectible variant covers for a gallery mode, new weapon skins, and more will surely be options to include. These are just a few ideas, so High Moon Studios will surely be able to include a wide variety of easter eggs for longtime Deadpool fans to laugh over as he breaks the fourth wall...over, and over again. I'm even picturing a game mode that ups the unfiltered banter spewing from Deadpool's mouth with consistency, and even includes his outrageous hallucinations. That mercenary just can't ever keep his mouth closed, and I know I'm one of the many waiting to see how one of my favorite comic characters translates into playable form. If they threw in a co-op mode with Hit-Monkey that would just be fine and dandy with me too. Start preparing yourself now for the endless humiliation that will result if you suck at the game because Deadpool will no doubt make every effort to ensure that you need to spend a little more time with a controller in your hand. These are just a few of our ideas for how they can ensure it is the best game experience possible, but we want to know your thoughts on High Moon Studios delivering the perfect Deadpool game. Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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