5 Omitted Xbox One Features Present On 360

2. Mandatory Game Installations

Untitled 1 Oh the days when one could just put the disk into a console and not expect to download update after update. Unlike the 360 which features an optional install for performance or for an HD pack €“ the rare instance of a mandatory install being Grand Theft Auto 5. The Xbox One no longer has any kind of semblance to that put-in-and-play ability. Every game now requires an install, something that takes chunk after chunk out of the 500GB HDD which quickly becomes full from the 43GB install of Call of Duty Ghosts for instance. Even more painful is that the external-HDD still isn't supported on the Xbox One with compatibility coming at a later unspecified date. Gone are the days where you can buy a new game, open up a can of coke after school or beer after work as you sit back and relax in your living room, trying to contain your excitement at the new release of your favourite franchise. Those few long moments of waiting till the brand logos pass were unbearable even back then, but now the time feels like an eternity as one sits waiting for the installation bar to increase its percentage bit-by-bit. On and on it drags on monotonously, being stuck at 1% after 5 minutes. Being a gamer has never been so difficult to deal with.

Crazy, ADHD, nonsensical adult male able to get a buzz from writing articles and stories for hours while drinking rum.