5 Reasons Modern Gamers Struggle To Get Girlfriends

3. They Are Unfocused

Modern gamers have very eclectic tastes. There are very few gamers in the world who will stick to playing just one genre, let alone one game. This lack of focus is great, as it allows us to experience some of the finest development, production and narrative that modern games have to offer, but unfortunately, this kind of inability to settle and focus one's attentions can be another stopping block for modern gamers when it comes to getting a girl. Girls like attention. This is a stereotype similar to the notion that gamers struggle to get girls but it is also similarly based on a modicum of truth. Girls really do like attention, and they like to have a lot of it. No doubt we have all heard stories about relationships that went south because a guy wanted to see his friends but his girlfriend wanted him to stay with her instead. In the case of gamers, games replace the friends but the problem stays the same, and the problem becomes bigger the more games you have to play. To put it simply, a gamer who has a vested interest in just one game will have to take far less time out of their week in order to satisfy their need to play. This person will subsequently have lots of extra time for socialising and will be far better equipped to offer a girl the time and attention she craves. A person with, say, five games to play at one time will have to dedicate far more time to satisfying their needs to play all of them and so there would be even little or no time to put into maintaining a relationship. The modern gamer more often than not sits in this latter category and fills their time with numerous games from various genres. Until this collection grows smaller and the time dedicated to playing them lessens, modern gamers simply won't have the time for a relationship.
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.