5 Reasons We Need Days Gone 2

3. The Story Is Set Up For A Sequel

days gone 2

In every media, including video games, stories are left open for a potential sequel and Days Gone does just that.

Without giving away any spoilers, while playing as Deacon the main missions wrap up two big conclusions, including the main journey our hero has been looking to resolve from the opening minutes of the game.

However, if you continue to complete missions and side quests after you have completed the main story, there are more cut scenes including a secret real ending to Days Gone. It heavily involves the Nero agents and their research on the freakers, but leaves you wanting to know more.

It leaves several major questions outstanding, including the potential end game in Oregon. The story could easily have been picked up from this point and fans will be disappointed that we won't get to find out what happens next to Deacon St John and the world he lives in.

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Gaming and sports writer from the North East of the UK