5 Reasons We Need Days Gone 2

2. More Unique Open-World Systems Than You Think

days gone 2

While it features many elements of all open world games, Days Gone is also very unique in many ways, with a survival system like none before it.

There aren't many games where a motorbike is a key element, but it is a constant tool in Days Gone. From the word go Deacon and his bike become one and once you get used to the mechanics it will be as vital to you as any weapon or item in the game. You find yourself constantly looking at your fuel and damage levels, and it adds a new element to a playthrough.

While it has similar survival elements to The Last of Us, the sheer number and randomness of enemies are what makes the game so good. While human enemies provide interesting combat situations, it is the hordes and their massive numbers that give the biggest challenge , becoming something that other titles are sure to try and replicate in the future.

One of the biggest criticisms of Days Gone was that it was too generic an open world title, but it has several features and systems that we haven't seen done this well before.

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Gaming and sports writer from the North East of the UK