5 Reasons We Need Days Gone 2

1. It Made You Feel Like You Were In A Real Apocalypse

days gone 2

Open world games are never the most realistic, but Days Gone really does make you feel like you are in a zombie apocalypse with hordes genuinely providing a fear factor at first.

If you are a fan of the Walking Dead many elements of Days Gone will be right at home for you. While the story can get a bit farfetched at times the survival elements and surprising events make it genuinely feel like you are under pressure.

While elements such as the crafting systems have all been seen before, the survival side of the game is game changing. The first time you see a big horde of freakers was terrifying. The game plays on this and shock attacks by human enemies, animals such as bears and freakers themselves, making you think on your feet when you are under pressure. All of this makes it even more satisfying when you do escape.

While missions can be repetitive, they help build up the world, and make every venture out of your camp an exciting one.

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Gaming and sports writer from the North East of the UK