5 Shockingly Dull Minigames (In Otherwise Awesome Games)

2. Yoga - Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V is successful in almost everything it attempts. Switching between the game's three protagonists during missions works really well and allows the gameplay to change gears quickly. The annoying social features that were so prominent in GTA IV have been toned down considerably and Trevor adds a certain form of insanity that's been missing from the series since its glory days on the PS2. There are a variety of activities to do in Los Santos when wreaking havoc begins to lose its appeal. You can race, play sports, go skydiving, watch a movie or just go for a walk and see where you end up. Most of the activities are nice little distractions designed to entertain your inner tourist. There is however, one exception. Yoga. Yes, there's yoga in a Grand Theft Auto game. Let that sink in for a second. It doesn't fit the tone of the game at all. It's just as absurd as Wii Fit having a random bank robbery level thrown it, or Angry Birds suddenly munching painkillers to numb the pain of getting catapulted at wooden planks. Yoga is forced upon you by Michael's annoying-as-hell wife Amanda and her even worse yoga instructor. You have to move the analog sticks around and hold them in position when prompted and then inhale and exhale using the triggers. That's pretty much all there is to it. If that wasn't fun (and we use the term sarcastically) enough, Amanda spews passive-aggressive abuse at Michael such as "isn't this better than robbing, murdering and being an a**wipe?" throughout the sequence. Thanks for the words of wisdom Amanda, but we'll happily take participating in gangster-related shenanigans over yoga anytime.
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When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.