5 Super Nintendo Games That Need A Next-Gen Sequel

4. The Lufia Series

Rsz Lufia Beginning with a prophecy that foretold of other-worldly beings known as Sinistrals that threaten creation itself, taking hold in the Fortress of Doom high above the frightened populous. Thus is the story to Lufia, one of the great games of the SNES era that combined an interesting story with a familiar role-playing fighting system into a memorable adventure. This is one of those games that has a charm to it that is hard to resist with the quirky characters coming together to make a cast that you actually want to play as instead of faceless NPCs that accompany you on your quest. With a story that crossed multiple titles, its a shame that no one has dug out this classic for a reboot. With the lack of fresh turn based RPGS out now, having been replaced with the popular Action/RPG sub-genre, it would be a refreshing release to be sure. While the evil Sinistrals were technically defeated in the last installment that would only leave room to craft a new storyline along with new enemies to face and possibly new characters to get to know. As long as there's no crazy time warp twist where new characters are shoved into a forced encounter with the old characters, then it would be a treat to fans of the original.

Writer, musician, and history buff. I write short stories, comedy, and various other things. Have an almost unhealthy interest in all things Doctor Who and Star Wars with a little obsession time left for video games and music. Love horror novels and fantasy most of all, Stephen King is a huge inspiration.