5 Things Fable Could Learn From Final Fantasy

3. Bazaar System

Fable final fantasy
Square Enix

The loot system in most RPGs is... well, shall we be charitable and say ridiculous? Is it ridiculous that the wolf we just cut into ribbons was carrying a rocket launcher or wearing an enchanted boot? Why was that orc carrying an entire stove? Yeah, let's go with ridiculous.

The criminally underrated Final Fantasy XII worked around this by introducing a more realistic system where creatures only dropped their own body parts as loot. While this allowed for easier suspension of disbelief, the true genius of the system was how it was integrated with the shops.

The bazaar system saw new items added to the shops when the player sold certain amounts of items to merchants. Sold a lot of herbs and flowers? A pack of cheap potions might become available. A load of ore dropped from rock and metal creatures? Chances are the local blacksmith has come up with some new armour that you can buy.

This simple addition not only added realism to the hunts and the shops, but encouraged players to experiment with what they were selling to shops. It would be a perfect mix with the Fable region economy system.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.